Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Wednesday, Hump day! It has been an uneventful last couple of days. Angela had another Pampered Chef party on Monday night. Last night we did the grocery shopping and watched TV. "24" is really sucking me in. Ang and I were talking about buying both seasons of this show on DVD. Work is steady right now. Tonight is another evening at home. Looking forward to that.

Monday, February 24, 2003

Well, it is another Monday. This weekend we were away again. On Friday after I got home from work, Angela and I headed down to Moncton. Got there around 9PM and chatted with Paula and John for a while. On Saturday, John and I went curling for the Boys and Girls Club. Our team won both matches. Saturday night we took John and I took Jared out for dinner while Angela did Paula's Pampered Chef Party. We got home around midnight and went straight to bed. On Sunday we drove home in a snow/ice storm. It took about 2.5 hours to get home instead of the 1.5 hours. Last night we caught up on our missed TV shows and went to bed early.

Friday, February 21, 2003

Wow, Friday already! It is a warm one too. The high today is supposed to get up to 4° C today. A regular old heat wave for winter. You know what I realized this morning, since we have been home from Bar Harbor, we have not spent an entire evening at home since last Wednesday. Got home on Tuesday and cleaned up from the trip, went to bed early. Wednesday, Angela had her first Pampered Chef party, got home around 11PM. Thrusday, Angela wanted to go to quilting class, got home around 10 PM. Tonight we are going to Moncton and not getting home until Sunday afternoon. Hopefully we'll get to spend that night at home catching up on TV shows and movies.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Today is the first day back to work for me. I ended up taking Tuesday off too. Bar Harbor... We got to Mike and Lynne's around 7PM EST. We drank and watched Survivor and retired to the Hot tub shorty after it was over. It was a really relaxing night in general.

On Friday, we went to Ellsworth and ran errands to get ready for the Valentine's Day Toga Party. The party was a blast. About 15 people showed up to Mike and Lynne's. Angela and I won best Toga Couple. We spent about 3.5 hours in the hot tub that night. Pete, Jack, and Trina rolled in about 5 AM in the morning.

Saturday, we basically hung out at the house visiting with everyone. The Banff crowd was small this year. Mike, Lynne, Ben, Angela, Me, Pete, Jack, Trina, and 30 Seconds. Saturday night was the Banff Mountain Film Festival in Ellsworth. The Mountain Culture films were showed this night. Some of the films included a story on Pakistani women who heard sheep in the Mountains and a story on Tibetan children who are forced to move to India so that they can get a proper education. These kids have to walk over mountains to get there. After the show, we went back to Mike and Lynne's (M&L's) to pig out on leftover turkey, stuffing, and lasagne.

Sunday, We did our usual activity for the day. We snow shoed and skiied into the Lakewood Pond in Acadia National Park. It was a short, but nice hike. We showered after that activity, drank some and prepared to go out for dinner at China Hill. Sunday nights shows were the Mountain Sports films. Some films included one called Urban Ape, about a man who climbs buildings. Another movie was about Kayaking in Asia through Russia. The last film was about 2 minutes long about Unicycling. After the show we watched the Weather Channel about the big snow storm. Pete, Jack and Trina decided to stay on Monday. They live in Baltimore, MD and the state of emergency was not lifted as of yet.

Monday, Not too much happened on this day. I found a job at the Jackson Lab, that I am applying for. We drank somemore ETOH and sat in the Hot Tub most of the afternoon. The girls, Lynne & Angela, took Abby aka 30 seconds back to Orono, ME so that she could catch her flight out of Bangor on Tuesday morning. I called in to work and requested another vacation day for Tuesday.

Tuesday... we left M&L's around 12 PM EST and got back into Fredericton around 5 PM AST. We made good time. Stopped at the Canadian Tire and bought a new battery for the Generator. We got home around 6PM. I changed the battery while Angela made the fires in the house. We cleaned up from the trip and went to bed early.

Today. Not much different since we left.

Check out the Banff web site at here

Thursday, February 13, 2003

Well it is finally here. WE leave for Bar Harbor, ME in a few hours. 4 days away from work, relaxing with friends. More to come later.

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Well. Didn't get to watch any Tuesday night TV. The Satellite card went down. We ended up cutting fire wood for the woodstove upstairs. I finally got to go to bed early for the first time in 2 weeks.

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Monday night was good. I finished ready "One Pair of Boots" a story about hiking the Appalachain Trail. We watched Boston Public and Third Watch.

Today has been a pretty fast day. Only 2 more days until we leave for Bar Harbor for our 4 day long weekend!

Monday, February 10, 2003

Well, where to begin. This weekend went by pretty quick. Friday night Angela and I went across the brook to socialize with our neighbors. We helped Galen move his furnitute back in place since the camp had been repainted. Ate lots of pizza and dranks lots of ETOH. I had a hide full before we left.

Saturday was a bit of a slow start for me. We left our house around 11AM to deliver Pampered Chef Orders from Angela's party. At 2 PM the bowling fundraiser began. Over $1,700.00 was raised for the Playground. After bowling, we went to a Party for Andrew. Angela and I had a great time. We got home from there around 1 AM.

On Sunday we veg'd. We ended up watching Signs, Bloodwork, and Trapped throughout the day. I cleaned the car out and got ready for our trip to Bar Harbor this weekend.

Today... so far a good start. I won the Rock Sandwich on the local radio station. They play 3 clips of songs from 2 different artists. Today it was a Van sandwich. Van Morrison on the outside and Van Halen on the inside. The prize, 2 classic combos from Wendy's including 2 Frosty's.

Friday, February 07, 2003

TGIF! Last night was pretty uneventful. Watched Friends, CSI, and ER. The forecast today was better than yesterday. We were supposed to have snow Friday and Saturday. Now it is only going to snow today. Sunny tomorrow!! Tomorrow is the Maugerville Community Center bowling fund raiser for the new playground.

Thursday, February 06, 2003

Last night..... COLD! We got home from town around 9PM. The fires were probably out by lunch time. The wind chill was -35 degrees Celcius. The battery to the generator was dead, so I had to hook the truck up to the house to give it a boost. The battery was working fine this morning again. I finally got to see Tuesday nights 24 on tape. This show just seems to suck me in.

Today is now Thursday. The one week countdown officially starts at 3:30PM today. Angela and I leave for Bar Harbor, ME, on February 13th, for the 5th annual Banff Mountain Film Festival party at Mike and Lynne's. Always is a good time and we get to see many great friends.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Just edited our website with links to the new log as well as links back to our home page.

So another new day. We were supposed to get snow and freezing rain last night. We got about 1" of snow in the afternoon and some freezing rain last night. Last nights winter crap was not as bad as Sundays' storm. Tried to watch 24 last night but out satellite kept cutting out because of the storm.

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

So, today is the first entry of Angela and Joe's weblog. Something new and different for us to try. We'll try to keep it up to date for all of you out there.